by Emmanuelle Lacosse
2021 – 88 minutes – France

Francki fears his life as in his boxing ring. His journey is that of a man torn between a way of life inherited and the injunctions of society. A traveller at a crossroads, Francki claims his difference and hopes to keep his freedom. So he dodges and tries precarious balances to make his two worlds coexist. Problems follow one another and force him, dreams change, hopes remain.

A Les Films de la pluie, Les Chaines locales de Bretagne (Tébéo, Tébésud & TVR) coproduction
With the participation of le CNC, with the support of la Région Bretagne in partnership with le CNC, of la PROCIREP - Société des producteurs, l'ANGOA, le Fonds Images de la diversité of CNC, la SACEM, Brouillon d'un rêve (SCAM and La Culture avec la Copie Privée)

Direction : Emmanuelle Lacosse
Image : Denis Le Paven
Sound : Emmanuelle Lacosse
Editing & colour grading : Denis Le Paven
Sound editing & mixing : Vincent Pessogneaux
Music : Fabrice Dang Van Nhan
Graphics : Thiven Minton



Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez (France), Rencontres de Films en Bretagne (France), Festival Des Histoires (Rennes, France), Festival Itinérances Tsiganes (Clermont-Ferrand - France), Festival Cinéma et Droits de l'Homme (Toulouse - France), Festival du Cinéma Social (Nice - France)