by Mael Cabaret
2023 – 55 minutes – France

Drag queen in Quebec, Julien becomes DREAM at night. A job of passion. A difficult life. A world that consumes him. For ten years, Julien will try to distance himself from this universe which nevertheless represents his only reason for existing.

A Les Films de la pluie, Lyon Capitale TV coproduction
With the participation of le CNC, with the support of la Région Bretagne in partnership with le CNC, of la PROCIREP - Société des producteurs, l'ANGOA

Direction : Mael Cabaret
Image & sound : Mael Cabaret
Editing : Lauriane Lagarde
Editing assitant : Corentin Doucet
Sound editing : Marie Moulin
Sound mixing : Thomas Besson
Colour grading : Olivier Dassonville



The Bangalore Queer Film Festival (India), Image+Nation LGBT Queer Film Festival (Montreal - Canada)